The Site Config is used to define site-specific settings, such as required menus and page editor configuration.
The site config can be set one of two ways:
Option 1: site_config.json
The Site Config can be stored per theme in the local SFTP folder, in the "templates/site_config.json" file.
Find the URL to the SFTP folder under the "Site Config" tab:
Option 2: Site Config Tab
The Site Config can also be entered directly into the textbox in the "Site Config" tab:
The Site Config is defined as JSON:
// Required Menus
// If defined here, missing menus can be auto-generated on the "Menus" tab
"menus": [
{ "name": "Main Menu", "tag": "main", "max_depth": 2 }
// (For integrations) Path where redirect listing will be exported by a site component
// * Requires a site component that will generate a JSON export of all redirects to this path
// * Path should be relative to URL Prefix
"redirect_listing_path": "jshcms_redirects.json",
// Default GUI page editor config
"defaultEditorConfig": {
// Web snippets listing path
"webSnippetsPath": "/templates/websnippets/listing.html",
// Whether to enable Material Icons in the Editor
// If enabled, Material Icons Font CSS Link must be added to the Page Template HTML
"materialIcons": false
// Default values for Template Variables
"template_variables": {
"key": "value"
//Media Thumbnail Configuration
"media_thumbnails": {
"thumbnail_id": {
//(Optional) Resize thumbnail to fit within target width and height
"resize": [150, 150], // [width, height]
//(Optional) Crop thumbnail to target width and height
"crop": [150, 150], // [width, height]
//(Optional) Resample thumbnail to target format (jpg, png, gif, tif)
"format": "jpg",
//(Optional) Export thumbnail on publish, as filename.thumbnail_id.extension
"export": true,
//(Optional) Add an srcset responsive breakpoint to IMG tags on publish
// (bool) If set to true, the thumbnail width will be used as the srcset condition, ex "150w"
// (string) The value to be used as the srcset condition, ex. "1x" "2x" "2048w"
"responsive": true,
//Default Thumbnails
"file_tile": { "resize": [150, 150], "format": "jpg" },
"file_preview": { "resize": [300, 300], "format": "jpg" },
"small": { "resize": [512, 384] },
"medium": { "resize": [1024, 768] },
"large": { "resize": [2048, 1538] },
//(Optional) Set a maximum image size for uploaded media
"maximum": { "resize": [2048, 1538] }