Router w/Page Object Integration Tutorial

How it works:

  • Generate a JSON object for each page on CMS publish
  • Integrate the CMS Router to enable:
    • Loading the JSON object and passing it to a template renderer
    • Page URLs anywhere in the site
    • Custom Redirects defined in CMS
  • Work Involved: Easy to Medium, based on site complexity


The Router w/Page Object integration method:

  • Serves static content (images, files, and JSON page data) out of a public content folder external to the Next.js application
  • Adds a catch-all route to the Next.js application, to serve CMS pages and redirects



  1. In the jsHarmony CMS, on the Sites tab, create a new Site

  2. Download the jsHarmony Redirects Component and extract into your site's SFTP folder.  This contains a "jshcms_redirects.html" component that exports the Redirects as JSON into a file named "jshcms_redirects.json" in the root of the site.  A site_config.json file is also included with the "redirect_listing_path" parameter, so that the integration code will be properly generated.

  3. In the Site Settings, add a Deployment Target:
    1. Configure the Deployment Target to publish to a location that is publicly accessible from the Next.js application (for example, an S3 bucket, Github Pages, a public website folder, or an Apache virtual subfolder)
    2. Set the URL Prefix to the publicly accessible URL path where the CMS Content files (HTML, JSON, Images) will be published, for example ""
    3. Set the "Override Page URL Prefix" to the path prefix for the CMS Page URLs, if different from the CMS Content path.
      For example, if URLs will be root-relative, set the Page URL Prefix to "/"

  4. Generate the Integration Code:
    1. In the Deployment Target, click on the "Integration Code" tab
    2. Select the Environment "Next.js - Router" to get the Integration Code

  5. In your Next.js application, install the "jsharmony-cms-sdk-next" module:
    npm install jsharmony-cms-sdk-next
  6. Create a new catch-all route in Next.js by adding a "src/pages/[[...path]].tsx" file, and paste the Integration Code from step 4 (example below).
    * If you are not overriding the home page, you will need to change the file name to "src/pages/[...path].tsx"
    import type { GetServerSideProps } from 'next';
    import { JshCms, JshCmsRouter, JshCmsPage, JshCmsContentArea } from 'jsharmony-cms-sdk-next'
    const jshCmsConfig = {
        redirectListingPath: "jshcms_redirects.json",
        cmsServerUrls: [""],
        contentUrl: ""
    const jshCmsRouter = new JshCmsRouter(jshCmsConfig);
    export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps = async(context) => {
      return await jshCmsRouter.serve(context.query.path, context.query);
    export default function Page({ jshCmsPage }: { jshCmsPage: JshCmsPage }) {
      return (
        <JshCms jshCmsPage={jshCmsPage} jshCmsConfig={jshCmsConfig}>
          <h1 cms-title="true">{jshCmsPage?.title||'Title'}</h1>
          <JshCmsContentArea cms-content="body">Page Content</JshCmsContentArea>
  7. Add the template to the CMS Site Page Templates
    1. In the CMS Site Settings, select the "Page Templates" tab
    2. Add a Remote Page Template, entering a Name, Title, and the full URL to the page, ex. http://localhost:3000/
    3. Edit the Config for the new Page Template by clicking the pencil icon, and enter the following to export to JSON on publish:
        "templates": { "publish": "format:json" }
      * After this step, it should be possible to add and edit pages from the CMS.

  8. To support multiple templates, make your modify your Page function to select the template based on the page_template_id (which should match the Template Name in the CMS Page Templates tab).

    As a simple example, a two-column template can be added to the Page function as below:
    export default function Page({ jshCmsPage }: { jshCmsPage: JshCmsPage }) {
      if(jshCmsPage.page_template_id == 'two-column'){
        // Two Column Template
        return (
          <JshCms jshCmsPage={jshCmsPage} jshCmsConfig={jshCmsConfig}>
            <h1 cms-title="true">{jshCmsPage?.title||'Title'}</h1>
            <JshCmsContentArea cms-content="col1">Column 1</JshCmsContentArea>
            <JshCmsContentArea cms-content="col2">Column 2</JshCmsContentArea>
      else {
        // Default Template
        return (
          <JshCms jshCmsPage={jshCmsPage} jshCmsConfig={jshCmsConfig}>
            <h1 cms-title="true">{jshCmsPage?.title||'Title'}</h1>
            <JshCmsContentArea cms-content="body">Page Content</JshCmsContentArea>
  9. In order to publish multiple content areas, such as in a two-column template, modify the "Config" under the CMS Site Settings -> "Page Templates" tab, to define the content areas:
      "templates":{ "publish":"format:json" },
      "content_elements": { "column1": {"title": "Column 1"}, "column2": {"title": "Column 2"} }
  10. Add CMS content and publish to the Deployment Target, generating JSON and image files on the content server
