Simple Content Folder Integration Tutorial

How it works:

  • Generate static HTML pages in a subfolder of the site, based on static HTML templates.

Simple Content Folder Limitations:

  • No Redirect Support
  • No Templating


The simple content folder is the easiest integration method - serving fully generated HTML files out of an external content server or public subfolder of the Next.js application.  This does not require installing the jsHarmony CMS SDK.


  1. In the jsHarmony CMS, on the Sites tab, create a new Site

  2. In the Site Settings, add a Deployment Target:
    1. Configure the Deployment Target to publish to an external content server or public subfolder of the Next.js application
    2. Set the URL Prefix to "/" if CMS files will be available off the root of the target domain, or otherwise set URL Prefix to the path prefix

  3. Create a Page Template:
    1. Local Page Templates can be defined in the CMS, by using the Site's SFTP
    2. Remote Page Templates can be defined in a public subfolder of the Next.js application, and linked to the CMS in the Site Settings "Page Templates" tab.
      :: Configuring Remote Page Templates

  4. Add CMS content and publish to the Deployment Target, generating HTML files in the content folder
