The jsHarmony CMS can be integrated into React applications in a variety of ways. Capabilities will vary based on the integration method:
Integration Method | Pages Generated As | Add Pages | Add Media | Add Redirects | Add Page URLs outside Content Folder | React Rendering |
Router - Static HTML | HTML | |||||
Router - Page Object | JSON | |||||
Standalone | JSON | N/A | N/A |
The syntax for Redirect regular expressions is specific to the deployment environment. The client-side React SDK uses JavaScript Regular Expression syntax.
Back-references are implemented using $N. For example, "$1" replaces the first matched group, "$2" replaces the second matched group, and so on.
Below is an example of RegEx variable replacement, using the Client-side React SDK:
URL: ^/products/([a-zA-Z]*)$
Destination: /view_product?id=$1
Explore the SDK Documentation and source code at the Github site: jsharmony-cms-sdk-react.