Router w/Static HTML Integration Tutorial
How it works:
- Generate static HTML pages in a subfolder of the site, based on static HTML templates.
- Integrate with React Router to enable:
- Page URLs anywhere in the site
- Redirects defined in CMS
The Router w/Static HTML integration method:
- Serves static content (images, files) out of a public content folder
- Uses React Router to resolve templates, bind links for single-page applications, and implement CMS redirects
Note: This integration method does not support React rendering within the static HTML content
- In the jsHarmony CMS, on the Sites tab, create a new Site
- Download the jsHarmony Redirects Component and extract into your site's SFTP folder. This contains a "jshcms_redirects" component that exports the Redirects as JSON into a file named "jshcms_redirects.json" in the root of the site. A site_config.json file is also included that sets the "redirect_listing_path" parameter to the new file.
- In the Site Settings, add a Deployment Target:
- Configure the Deployment Target to publish to a public folder in the React application
- Set the URL Prefix to the publicly accessible URL path where the CMS Content files (HTML, JSON, Images) will be published, for example "/content/"
- Set the "Override Page URL Prefix" to the path prefix for the CMS Page URLs, if different from the CMS Content path. For example, if URLs should be root-relative, set the Page URL Prefix to "/"
- Generate the Integration Code:
- In the Deployment Target, click on the "Integration Code" tab
- Select the Environment "React" to get the Integration Code
- In your React application, install the "jsharmony-cms-sdk-react" module:
npm install jsharmony-cms-sdk-react
- In your React application, ensure the that content folder from step 3 exists:
mkdir public/content
- In your React application, create a folder for your CMS editor template, and generate the jsHarmonyCmsEditor.js file:
mkdir public/.jsHarmonyCms
npx jsharmony-cms-sdk-react editor public/.jsHarmonyCms
- In your React application, add the code from the Integration Code tab in step 4
* Please note - the JshCms component needs to be an ancestor of all CMS content and routing components
import { JshCms } from "jsharmony-cms-sdk-react";
import React from "react";
import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client";
// Configure the CMS
const jshCmsConfig = {
pageFilePath: "/path/to/page_files",
redirectListingPath: "path/to/jshcms_redirects.json",
accessKeys: [/*"ACCESS KEYS"*/]
const root = createRoot(document.getElementById("root")!);
<JshCms {...jshCmsConfig} >
<App />
- In your React Router, add a catchall route, typically at the end of the other application routes, to serve CMS files:
import React from 'react';
import { BrowserRouter, Routes, Route } from "react-router-dom";
import { JshCmsRoute } from 'jsharmony-cms-sdk-react';
function App() {
return (
<Route path="*" element={<JshCmsRoute path="*" bindLinks={true} />}/>
export default App;
- Create a Page Template:
- Local Page Templates can be defined in the CMS, by using the Site's SFTP
- Remote Page Templates can be defined in a public subfolder of the React application, and linked to the CMS in the Site Settings "Page Templates" tab.
- If using Remote Page Templates, add the CMS Editor Launcher to each remote page template. Copy the integration code from the Integration Code tab in step 4
For example, create a template "public/.jsHarmonyCms/default.html", and paste the following code (ensuring the your access keys are copied from the step 4 integration code):
<!DOCTYPE html>
<cms-page-config>{ "title": "Default Template" }</cms-page-config>
<script type="text/javascript" class="removeOnPublish" src="/.jsHarmonyCms/jsHarmonyCmsEditor.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" class="removeOnPublish">
<h1 cms-title>Page Title</h1>
<div cms-content-editor="body">Page Content</div>
* Be sure to include the "removeOnPublish" class to the Launcher script tags, so that it will not be included in the published pages
* As mentioned above, be sure to define the Remote Page Template in the CMS in the Site Settings "Page Templates" tab, ex:
Name: Default
Title: Default Template
URL: http://localhost:3000/.jsHarmonyCms/default.html
- Add CMS content and publish to the Deployment Target, generating HTML files in the public subfolder of the React application