Standalone Page Integration Tutorial

How it works:

  • Add CMS content to an existing page in the site
  • Generate a JSON object for that page on publish
  • On page view:
    • Load the JSON object and render it using a React component

Standalone Page Limitations:

  • Standalone pages need to be configured one-at-a-time in the CMS


Standalone Integration can be used to add editable CMS content areas to existing individual pages in an application.  This can be used together with, or apart from, a site with a Router Integration.


  1. In the jsHarmony CMS, on the Sites tab, create a new Site
    * Skip steps 1-2 if you already have a jsHarmony site configured for this application

  2. In the Site Settings, add a Deployment Target:
    1. Configure the Deployment Target to publish to a public folder in the React application
    2. Set the URL Prefix to the publicly accessible URL path where the CMS Content files and images will be published, for example "/content/"

  3. Generate the Integration Code:
    1. In the Deployment Target, click on the "Integration Code" tab
    2. Select the Environment "React" to get the Integration Code

  4. In your React application, install the "jsharmony-cms-sdk-react" module:
    npm install jsharmony-cms-sdk-react
  5. In your React application, ensure the that content folder from step 2 exists:
    mkdir public/content
  6. In your React application,  add the code from the Integration Code tab in step 4
    * Please note - the JshCms component needs to be an ancestor of all CMS content and routing components 
    import { JshCms } from "jsharmony-cms-sdk-react";
    import React from "react";
    import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client";
    // Configure the CMS
    const jshCmsConfig = {
        pageFilePath: "/path/to/page_files",
        redirectListingPath: "path/to/jshcms_redirects.json",
        accessKeys: [/*"ACCESS KEYS"*/]
    const root = createRoot(document.getElementById("root")!);
        <JshCms {...jshCmsConfig} >
            <App />
  7. In your React application, create a new component for the Standalone page, ex "SampleStandalonePage.tsx", using jsHarmony CMS Page Template attributes ("cms-title", "cms-content-editor"):
    import React from 'react';
    import { JshCmsContent } from 'jsharmony-cms-sdk-react';
    export const SampleStandalonePage: VFC<{}> = props => {
      return <JshCmsContent>
        <h1 cms-title="true">Page Title</h1>
        <div cms-content-editor="body">Page Content</div>
  8. In your React Router, add a route for the new standalone page:
    import React from 'react';
    import { BrowserRouter, Routes, Route } from "react-router-dom";
    import { SampleStandalonePage} from './SampleStandalonePage.tsx';
    function App() {
      return (
            <Route path="/sample-standalone-page" element={<SampleStandalonePage />}/>
    export default App;
  9. In order to publish multiple content areas, configure the page config in the standalone page's JshCmsPageConfig component:
    import React from 'react';
    import { JshCmsContent, JshCmsPageConfig } from 'jsharmony-cms-sdk-react';
    export const SampleStandalonePage: VFC<{}> = props => {
      return <JshCmsContent>
        <JshCmsPageConfig config={{
          content: {
            col1: { title: "Column 1" },
            col2: { title: "Column 2" }
        }} />
        <h1 cms-title="true">Page Title</h1>
        <div cms-content-editor="col1">Column 1</div>
        <div cms-content-editor="col2">Column 2</div>
  10. In the CMS, add the standalone page to the Sitemap:
    1. On the Pages tab, add a new page
    2. Set the Template to "<Standalone>"
    3. Set the Template Path to the full URL of the standalone page

  11. Edit the page content in the CMS, and publish to the Deployment Target, generating a JSON file in the content folder of the React application.

